
October 28, 2019 / BY Mun4sr
The psychological conditions of a person and what they experience over a period of time are the most important factors that affect the general health. Stress and troubled psychological conditions affect the levels of cortisol and inflammation levels in the human body, causing the feeling of exhaustion and tiredness. In addition to that, it influences the cellular system stability and the performance of...

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التأمل في مواجهة التوتر: كيف يساعدنا التأمل لنعيش بصحة جيدة ؟

September 23, 2019 / BY Mun4sr
تعتبر الظّروف النّفسيّة للشخص وما يختبره خلال فترة من الزمن من أهم ما يؤثر على الصّحّة الكليّة كما تعتبر الظّروف النّفسيّة المضطّربة مؤثّرة على مستويات هرمون الكورتيزول ومستويات الالتهاب في الجسم البشري، حيث تؤثّر على أجسام المصابين وتصيبهم بالإرهاق بالإضافة إلى التّأثير على المستوى الخلوي ومستوى الأجهزة البيولوجية الرئيسيّة في جسم الإنسان، كالجهاز العصبي والجهاز الهضمي والجهاز المناعي والمستوى الخلوي الذي له علاقة...

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How To Unhook Your Mind?

September 09, 2019 / BY Mun4sr
Have you been thinking about one specific thought, then you ended up thinking about dozens of stuff and thoughts? It could be memories, ideas or fear about the future.  ...

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How 8 minute meditation became 2 hours inner peace time

February 13, 2018 / BY Mun4sr
I remember the first time I heard about meditation was a joke among some people making fun of people who believes in meditation and the way to inner peace. Why not? I started searching and looking for the answer are those meditators really shallow crazy hippies as some call them or is there something happening there? In coincidence I see this book title...

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Hike To Trust

October 12, 2017 / BY Mun4sr
Our life is such a journey to many things, Through two weeks I had a journey to Thailand, at this journey I had a life time experiences, which turned my life upside down. ...

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ماحدش معاه عربية أغسلها

December 04, 2016 / BY Mun4sr
يوم الخميس من الأيام المهمة في الأسبوع، لأنه بـ يكون بداية جديدة لأسبوع رخم أو كويس (في العادة بـ يكون رخم) كمان فيه الواحد ممكن ينام مرتاح شوية وينجز شوية حاجات، من أهم مساوئه الزحام والزحام والزحام بس طالما بـ تعيش في مدينة مجنونة وزحمة، توقعوا أي حاجة. ...

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To My Friend in Heaven

September 07, 2016 / BY Mun4sr
Hello, Bonjour, My G Friend, how are you? man i missed you, i know you are much better now enjoying the heaven, i am really happy for you my friend, but it was very hard to see you leaving, especially we were very happy and dancing the day before and your delicate smile was everywhere. i am sorry my friend that i got...

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أحسن كوباية شاي في العالم

August 27, 2016 / BY Mun4sr
كوباية الشاي المصري، هي من أعظم كوبايات الشاي في العالم بس لو اتعملت بمزاج وبنفس راضية، من الحاجات المهمة برضه هي الجو المواكب لكوباية الشاي يعني مثلًا لو بتشرب كوباية الشاي في الزحمة والخناقات ووجع الدماغ فهي مالهاش معنى. ...

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Message from Delike

June 30, 2016 / BY Mun4sr
` Message: as per Wikipedia, Message: is a discrete unit of communication intended by the source for consumption by some recipient or group of recipients. A message may be delivered by various means, including courier, telegraphy, carrier pigeon and electronic bus. A message can be the content of a broadcast. An interactive exchange of messages forms a conversation. whatever you believe in, there...

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MENA Salam III Fellowship: Amazing Chapter in my life.

June 30, 2016 / BY Mun4sr
Congratulations, Wow yes I got accepted at MENA Salam at Turkey, wohoo. That was my first reaction when I got the acceptance Email, however I knew that I have a lot of paper issues to be covered due to some unrest between the governments of Egypt and Turkey. ...

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