
To My Friend in Heaven

by - September 07, 2016

Hello, Bonjour,

My G Friend, how are you? man

i missed you, i know you are much better now enjoying the heaven,

i am really happy for you my friend, but it was very hard to see you leaving, especially we were very happy and dancing the day before and your delicate smile was everywhere.

i am sorry my friend that i got nothing to do to find you, i am sorry that i didn't keep an eye on you in this damn cursed water in this country.

i keep remembering your smile, our silly jokes and making fun of your friend (you know who). i pray to you at every moment my friend.

although we knew each other for a very short time, but you are my best ever friend, i never cried for anyone except you and my mother.

You will meet my mother there, she is smiling amd laughing all the time, tell her we miss her very much and we love her.

pray for us my friend, we miss you but we know you are at much better place, having fun and laughing in your remarkable way.

Salam - Au Revoir

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